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Mung Daal: Chowder, look what you've done! Now the animators are gonna have to draw all this fire! He had to live with fire-breathing dragons until the effect wore off. Chowder once ate a bushelful of hot peppers that caused him to breathe fire every time he opened his mouth.Beavis and Butt-Head get a taste of this trope by eating tacos seasoned with "Mexican death sauce" in the Missing Episode "Way Down Mexico Way".(He was clearly a little rusty, having not done it for several centuries.) Normally he can only breathe small soot clouds. In an episode of Xiaolin Showdown, Dojo (a dragon) needs two bottles of Clay's family recipe hot sauce to breathe enough flame to beat the Sapphire Dragon.Lampshaded in American Dragon: Jake Long where after eating some super spicy fries, Jake has to breathe fire to cool his mouth down! Back in Season 1, a random human sees Jake breathing fire while in human form and thinks he got it from eating spicy food.An early example comes in the Walt Disney cartoon Donald's Nephews (1938), when Huey, Dewey, and Louie feed Donald Duck a slice of pie that's been filled with Volcano Brand Mustard.The Garfield and Friends episode "Peace and Quiet" has Binky the Clown trick Garfield into eating chocolate-covered Tabasco hot peppers, which causes Garfield to exhale fire.Used realistically, but still hilariously, in "Homer and Apu".Also played straight in The Simpsons Movie, when Homer is revived by the Inuit woman.It evaporates anything less than an armful of liquid on contact. Played straight earlier in the same episode, as Homer's uninsulated tongue glows neon red when it comes in contact with a Guatemalan Insanity Pepper.Hibbert remarks "By all medical logic, steam should be shooting out of his ears." Adds Krusty, "His ears if we're lucky." He coated the inside of his mouth with wax for protection from the pepper's heat, but soon after swallowing they do cause him to hallucinate for a whole night. Averted and a lampshade hung thereupon by The Simpsons in "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer " as Homer eats bowl after bowl of red-hot chili containing "insanity peppers" with no ill effects, Dr.Also shows up as one of his abilities in the show's third game on Game Boy Advance. In the Kim Possible episode "Hidden Talent", Ron Stoppable purposely performs the trope using hot sauce for a talent show.

Ed edd n eddy free samples